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Facsimile on the Coastal -2021-

​Facsimile on the Coastal


海岸に流れ着いた生き物たちは、今どこにいて、どのような世界を眺めているのか。自由な世界と時間を旅するように、それらはまだ見ぬ世界の鍵となり、私が新しい世界への入り口に立っていることを示している。 朽ちる時間を半永久的な素材である金属に写しとる事を試みた作品である。

My work consists of facsimile casted pieces of creatures and remains that have been washed up on beaches around Japan.
When I found those decaying matter of what once were livings I wonder the landscapes it has been and the places it still exists as part of the nature.
I try to think about this world even that I can’ t see it.It allows me to travel through space and time as if I was standing on a gateway to a new world and those fragments were the key. Like a photograph I hope to capture this moment of wonder with those casted metal pieces.

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